Bond Institute Music
Visit the Music & Arts Boutique!
Welcome to the Bond Institute Music Corporation, a new company founded 2024-11-01 by Winnipeg musician & artist Daryn Bond.
This site is a placeholder for the professional research & education music company I envision, specializing in just intonation & new musical instruments. I will begin by producing many odd apps, art pieces, recordings, videos, tutorials & eventually release my versatile new instrument for mobile devices (patent pending).
Read my Pitch Deck, here!
To support my work, visit “The Music & Arts Boutique” for limited edition, high quality prints & odd objects. Purchasing an item helps fund the artist’s “goals & objectives” (a.k.a. “grand designs”). If you like a print, contact me, I will print, inspect, sign & get it to you directly. The Printify shop has not (yet) been tested for quality.
For limited time, enter the discount code “friends50” for half off! This doesn’t work for printify prints, calendar, greeting cards, or puzzle, they must be special ordered.
(The shop has not been thoroughly tested. Please contact me if you notice any problems).
Customer accounts & mailing lists have not been set up yet. Perhaps you can test it out for me!? Make an account to receive a sporadic newsletter. (No spam, I promise). Keep track of events & new releases. Watch us grow!
At this time I only expect friends to visit this “site under construction”. Send feedback, or maybe just say ‘hello’. : D
Here’s what the Bond Institute will be doing. Read the Pitch Deck!
(follow link, please be patient, long load time)
Building a team! I’m currently looking for:
- web designer / consultant – contract position
- 10x app developer / tech programmer – contract / potential Co-founder partnership
- Rockstar Business Manager – potential Co-founder partnership
Do you enjoy Pinterest or shop on Etsy? (I don’t have time myself). I’m seeking a shop manager, someone to do engagement, promotions, advertising, listings, mockups, etc. I provide the designs. A fun side hustle for a motivated person. Split all profit from the shop: 60 : 40. Contact me!